Knowledge Ecosystem Narratives

Visual Epistemology Platform

Visual epistemology


This website is a part of the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem digital world, but, at the same time, this is a visual gnoseologic laboratory to support systems thinking and ecosystem knowledge studies and theories. 

Modelling the infrastructures of the ecosystem.

Modelling the lifecycles for the research activities and projects within the contemporary ecosystems. 

Visual exploring and modelling of the systems thinking concepts and theories. 

Visual exploring and modelling knowledge and action toolkits for facilitators in European projects. 

Visual exploring models used as support for participatory knowledge methodologies. 

Visual exploring tools and strategies to build stakeholders community oriented on participatory knowledge and governance. 

Ecosystem Infrastructure

Click on the boxes for more information

Research Level

Integrated Research Platforms

Rural Development Research Platform

Food for Iasi Living Lab

RoRuralia Living & Policy Lab

Research Laboratories

Stakeholders & Beneficiaries Communities


Communities Platforms

Iasul in Bucate

Building communities of trust with urban consumers and local producers

Gust de Iasi

Local producers with added value in urban food systems



Knowledge transfer platforms


Symposium for Agro-Economy and Rural Anthropology


European Living Labs INN

Research Level

On the research level we can find 3 research platforms:

  • RDRP Research Platform
  • Food for Iasi Living Lab
  • RoRuralia Living & Policy Lab

These 3 platforms have 15 research laboratories.